‘Do your job’
‘Do your job’
Once upon a time, a reader could expect to read about all political candidates in a fair and informing light. This has changed much in the past two decades, but has reached to new heights of absurdity with your relentless vitriol against Donald Trump and your noted silence on Hillary Clinton.
Please, just do your job and report on the facts during this election cycle. Your bias is showing, and it is frustrating your readers to their core.
Clean house if you need to in order to be fair and balanced.
Newspapers need to go back to what they used to be and inform the reader and allow us to weigh the facts in the balance and make up our own minds on the matter.
You don’t need to spoon feed us. We are intelligent people.
What you are doing lessens your influence and stature in our minds.
Karen Welsh
Sign regulations
Attention all political candidates: When the primary and general elections are completed, please immediately remove all your eyesore campaign signs posted along the roadways, especially the clutter of campaign signs at the intersections of Kanoelehua and Puainako.
And when all is said and done, I hope our council members will enact tougher laws regulating the size of these signs and the duration which they can be displayed.
Commercial business signs are regulated by size and area placement, but not campaign signs. How you figure?
Rick LaMontagne